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{{ pages.home.subtitle }}

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{{ pages.about.title }}

{{ pages.weddingparty.title }}

{{ attendant.superlative }}

{{ event.week }},  

{{ event.day }}

  • {{ event.time }}


{{ event.venue }}


{{ hotel.name }}


{{ hotel.price }}


{{ hotel.distance }}



More Info

{{ rsvp.page_title }}

I, , {{rsvp.guest.full_name}}, the festivities.
My {{ rsvp.attending_invitation_type }} mentioned I could bring , so I’ll be bringing:, so I may be bringing:
I will be attendingI may be attending .
{{rsvp.guest.full_name}} attending attending. .
{{guest.name}} will be may be attending attending. .
I’llWe’ll be arriving via at on .
My {{getTravelMethodResponse(rsvp.travel_method_response) | lowercase}}Our {{getTravelMethodResponse(rsvp.travel_method_response) | lowercase}} information is.
I’llWe’ll be departing via at on .
My {{getTravelMethodResponse(rsvp.travel_departure_method_response) | lowercase}}Our {{getTravelMethodResponse(rsvp.travel_departure_method_response) | lowercase}} information is.
IWe need a ride on the {{ rsvp.transportation_method }} for .
I’ll We’ll be staying at .
{{ rsvp.rsvp_translations.rsvp_lib_food_appetizer }} .
{{ rsvp.rsvp_translations.rsvp_lib_food_entree }} .
{{ rsvp.rsvp_translations.rsvp_lib_food_dessert }} .
{{rsvp.guest.full_name}} will have the and , . , . and .
{{person.name}} will have the and , . . and .
I We {{ rsvp.rsvp_translations.rsvp_lib_food_allergy_have }}.:
You will love the super awesome I we got you from your registry at .
You’ll find me us on the dance floor when they play .
I’m . You can ping me, ring me, or bring me more info at:

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